Golf Day scores a hole in one

A panoramic view of a golf course with sand bunkers and a putting green under a clear sky.

More than 50 golfers enjoyed the 39th Freemasons Charity Golf Day last October at one of Australia’s most beautiful courses, Huntingdale Golf Club in Melbourne’s world- famous “Sand Belt”.

Held each year, the event helps to raise funds to assist the charitable work of our Homes all over Victoria.

Credit must go to the organisers, Stuart Thompson and Phil Elsbury, who donated generous amounts of time to ensure that players had a fun-filled and enjoyable experience. We sincerely thank every individual, Masonic Lodge and organisation who helped us to raise the amount of $6,250.00 on the day.

Congratulations to Royal Freemasons Trustee, RWBro Bill Hayes, PDGM and Royal Freemasons Board Director, Mrs Rosemary Evans who played exceptionally and won the individual men and women’s trophies respectively.

Once again, kudos to all who participated to prove, once again, that golfing is best combined with donating!

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A caregiver leans towards an elderly man sitting at a table with a glass and pitcher of water.

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