Could hearing loss predict a stroke?

Two individuals standing at a hearing works promotional booth with various hearing-related products on display.

A range of studies have found that there is a significant association between low-frequency hearing loss and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Poor cardiovascular health causes inadequate blood flow and blood vessel trauma to the inner ear. The inner ear is so sensitive to blood flow that disorders such as hearing loss may be an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease.

A recent study by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital published online in The American Journal of Medicine found that a higher level of physical activity is associated with a lower risk of hearing loss in women. At

the same time, the study found that a higher body mass index (BMI) and larger waist circumference are each associated with higher risk of hearing loss.1

Researchers concluded that individuals with cardiovascular disorders may be more prone to hearing loss and therefore in need of hearing evaluations. They also found that hearing loss is a marker that may predict the presence

or potential development of cardiovascular disease.

The study suggests that people with low-frequency hearing loss should be regarded as at risk for cardiovascular events.

“If you have been diagnosed with a cardio or cerebrovascular disorder, it is important to have your hearing tested regularly and treat your hearing loss with hearing aids early,” says Nicole Gatto, Principal Audiologist of Hearingworks at Cotham Village, Kew.

“It’s also important to keep your GP informed of any hearing loss, as it could indicate an undiagnosed cardio or cerebrovascular disorder.”

If you suspect you may have a hearing loss, contact Hearingworks on 03 9817 7738 to have your hearing screened as soon as possible.

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