Homes Ambassador receives a jewel for 60 years in Freemasonry

Two men in formal attire shaking hands at an event.

Elizabeth Gardens resident RWBro Ron Wildie PJGW received a Freemasons Jewel at Henty Lodge No. 279 last October to commemorate his service in Freemasonry for 60 years.

Ron was born in 1935 and grew up in a new estate in Yarraville in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

He was initiated in the Wisdom Lodge at the age of 21, supported by his grandfather, father and older brother, all of whom were Freemasons.

In 1982, Ron became a member of Henty Lodge and proudly served as Chair in 1989-1990.

One of his proudest moments in Freemasonry was when he was appointed Grand Steward in the 1992-1993 Grand Lodge Ceremonial Team. Ron and his wife Helen enjoyed the experience and speak enthusiastically of the friendships they made.

Ron was conferred the rank of Past Junior Grand Warden in 2015 for displaying the values of an exemplary Freemason for many years. Needless to say, Bro Ron was an exceptional mentor and very enthusiastic to share his knowledge of Freemasonry.

It is also an opportune time to say “Thank You” to Bro Ron for being a Homes Ambassador since 2013. Helen was and continues to be a great support to Ron, particularly with his Freemasonry, helping at the festive board during Ron’s period as Worshipful Master, and volunteering in the shop at the Royal Freemasons’ Homes for about eight years.

Our heartiest congratulations go to RWBro Ron whose commitment to career, community and family echo the principles of Freemasonry.

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