Growing & Celebrating Life

A brochure titled 'a milestone' with a smiling older couple on the cover, under the heading 'growing & celebrating life - the year in review 2015-2016.'.


• Shared Vision for excellence in care and innovation,

• One Mission to assist a secure and dignified and rewarding life for our elders and,

• Core Values, of commitment to our customers, innovation and learning, standards and viability, and team spirit.

Our family grew by 443 to a total of 1658 elder persons receiving care and accommodation services, across our facilities and in their homes. Embodying the year’s achievements, our annual review was titled ‘A Milestone’ recognising the considerable contribution that the Trustees, the Board, our employees and volunteers have made towards delivering the Strategic Growth Plan 2013-2018. Extending Care through growth To meet growing demand and to continue to expand and apply our skills and care, Coppin Suites Melbourne was opened in September, expanding premium residential aged care accommodation in Melbourne, for an additional 18 residents. Streeton Park on Yarra, an 84-apartment premium retirement living development in Heidelberg opened in November. A major area of growth and one that will become a much larger investment for Royal Freemasons over time, with exciting technical advances, is Home Care.

This year alone, with the acquisition of 190 Home Care packages from Melbourne Health and Austin Health in September, we are caring for approximately 570 people in their own homes. An additional 20 are in transitional care arrangements. Information and Technology We are continuously streamlining our information communication technology to improve our efficiency and understanding of needs, while minimising duplication of effort for customers, employees and volunteers.

Examples of technological advances include Telehealth, which engages with an individual to directly monitor their own health status with remote oversight; interactive in-house Web2TV to connect our customers; an easy-to-use website; and our extraordinary dementia therapy robotic seal, PARO.

Customer Experience A major objective of Royal Freemasons is to encourage independence, enhance stimulation and further move the role of care towards the service and support of individuals, at whatever stage of the later life journey they may be. In 2015-2016 we developed a digital customer management system that provides a single customer record across the Royal Freemasons continuum of care. Celebrating life is a vital part of preserving the well-being of our community.

We listen to the needs of customers such as the desire to stay at home longer, the need for new and different recreational pursuits, such as the Royal Freemasons Community Choir and the life stories program. The latter involved a fundraising Appeal and has  been so successful that it will be repeated in 2016-2017.

Donations, bequests and grants are important in enabling Royal Freemasons to deliver the extra special experiences that enhance the lives of our customers. Ultimately, the customer experience is measured by the quality of each customer’s interaction with our employees and volunteers. We have 1,000 paid employees and a no less important corps of 280 volunteers. Valuing their contribution, their health, wellbeing, sense of security, job and task satisfaction is paramount if we are to deliver on our corporate duty of care. To this end, we provide a range of training, support and acknowledgement programs that encourage the heart for better service.

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A caregiver leans towards an elderly man sitting at a table with a glass and pitcher of water.

General enquiries and residential aged care

1300 176 925

In-home support

1800 756 091