Donations & Bequests

Two elderly individuals smiling and embracing outdoors.

The generosity of individuals, foundations and corporations makes an immediate difference in the lives of our customers.

We believe the actions of individuals who care can make a real difference.

Personal donations, bequests, as well as grants from philanthropic foundations and corporations are extremely important to Royal Freemasons. Without your generous contributions we would not be able to provide the high level of comfort and care that our customers deserve.

This support allows us to purchase new equipment, further train and develop staff, research new and innovative ways to care for older Victorians, all of which enhances the quality of our customers’ lives.

Our motto, ‘For You For Life’ expresses our commitment to assist all customers to live a secure, dignified and rewarding life. Donations are tax deductable and are individually recognised.

We express our sincere gratitude to every individual, Masonic group or organisation that has and continues to assist us. If you would like to learn more, please visit our website at or for a confidential discussion on making a Bequest in your Will, phone :

1300 623 642 or visit our donations page.

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A caregiver leans towards an elderly man sitting at a table with a glass and pitcher of water.

General enquiries and residential aged care

1300 176 925

In-home support

1800 756 091