Tapestry of care

Elderly couple enjoying a conversation with a young man over coffee at an outdoor table.

Royal Freemasons is collaborating with the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) in a groundbreaking research project to improve care practice.

Three people delivering documents to an elderly woman sitting in a chair.Funded by the Keith and Aya Thornton Homes Fund,under the leadership of Associate Professor Sam Scherer, Royal Freemasons’ Senior Geriatrician, with academic oversight provided by Professor Stephen Gibson from NARI.

NARI has provided an on-site Senior Research fellow, Dr Steven Savvas as Project Coordinator. The new model of care, Tapestry of Care, is based on current best-practice principles. It places Royal Freemasons customers at the centre of their own health and aged-care journey and emphasises the World Health Organisation approach to functioning, disability and health.

The Tapestry of Care Model supports customers to achieve their own aspirations, be that the ability to put on their coat by themselves or something more complex.

The care model focuses on improving relationships, quality of life, and what is important to residents.

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A caregiver leans towards an elderly man sitting at a table with a glass and pitcher of water.

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